TensorFlow Python APIs are automatically generated by Pybind11 and some utility scripts. This blog introduces how these Python APIs are generated.
Notes for TensorFlow Dev
Turn on VLOG
1 | // Otherwise, set TF_CPP_MIN_VLOG_LEVEL environment to update minimum log level |
日不落 -- 阿拉斯加之旅
- 第1天:三藩经西雅图中转飞Anchorage, AK,然后在机场取车开到Seward,AK(2个半小时);
- 第2天:爬Kenai Fjords National Park的Exit Glacier(9:30am - 15:50pm),推荐穿登山鞋和雪地防滑铰链;
- 第3天:乘坐Kenai Fjords Tour的游船观看Kenai Fjords National Park里的海洋动物和冰川;推荐带一个望远镜,准备一点晕船药,多穿点衣服防寒;Tour是早上9点开始check in,晚上6:30pm结束;结束后开车回Anchorage住宿;
- 第4天:基本上一整天都在开车前往Denali National Park and Preserve,路上有几个观景点可以看雪山;晚上住在旁边的Denali Grizzly Bear Resort;
- 第5天:参加Denali National Park and Preserve的bus tour(9:30am - 6:30pm),主要是欣赏公园里的自然风光和动物,推荐带一个望远镜;
- 第6天:参观Aurora Ice Museum和泡温泉(两个地方在一起,Chena Hot Springs Road, Fairbanks, AK)。然后参观Santa Claus House;
- 第7天:开到Gakona, AK 休息,住在Gakona Lodge & Trading Post(Mile 2 Tok Cutoff, Gakona, AK 99586;
- 第8天:Matanuska Glacier Hiking;
Install the standalone Spark Cluster
Ensure all nodes can resolve each other by hostnames/ips
Enable SSH with no need of password
Install JDK on each node
Export JAVA_HOME and SPARK_HOME in ~/.bashrc
on each node
1 | export JAVA_HOME=/home/feihu/jdk1.8.0_171 |
Configure spark-defaults.conf
1 | spark.master spark://codait-gpu2:7077 |
Add data nodes to slaves
Connect Spark with Cloudera Yarn Cluster
Cloudera automatically installs Spark cluster, but it is not easy to update Spark version by Cloudera. There is another
solution for users to run the latest version of Spark on Cloudera Yarn cluster.
- set up the environment to make the configuration files of Hadoop available to the package
1 | export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.5.1-1.cdh5.5.1.p0.11/lib/spark/conf/yarn-conf/ |
- Start the spark-shell under the Spark package
1 | ./spark-shell --master yarn --deploy-mode client --num-executors 10 --driver-memory 12g --executor-memory 10g --executor-cores 24 |
Zeppelin Connects Hive
Make sure that Hive can be accessed remotely using HiveServer2
* `bash-4.2$ beeline`
* `beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://svr-A3-A-U2:10000 hive hive`
* if unable to access, check the following configuration in `HIVE_HOME/conf/hive-site.xml`
<description>ername to use against metastoredatabase</description>
<description>password to use against metastoredatabase</description>
Move configuration file
to $ZEPPELIN_HOME/conf/hive-site.xml
Set up PySpark with Keras
Install libraries
1 | pip install -U matplotlib numpy pandas scipy jupyter ipython scikit-learn scikit-image openslide-python` |
Enable Jupyter to run PySpark by adding the following to ~/.bash_profile
1 | export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=jupyter |
Git Notes
Merge a remote pull to the current branch
Add the following script to
pr = "!f() { git fetch ${2:-upstream} pull/$1/head:pr/$1 && git checkout pr/$1; }; f"Use
git pr PULL_NUM
to download the pull, for example, usegit pr 577
to checkout pr 577 into a branch calledpr/577
Merge the above branch to the target branch, for example
git merge pr/577
SystemML Workflow
Create DML script
- Use
class to create DML script. Thein()
functions are utilized to map the input and output values
Handling DML
1 | public MLResults execute(Script script) { |
More time are needed to understand
CS231n_Notes_1.1: Image Classification
Image Classification Problem is the task of assigning an input image one label from a fixed set of categories. Many other seemingly distinct Computer Vision tasks (such as ojbject detection, segmentation) can be reduced to image classification.
- Viewpoint variation: A single instance of an object can be oriented in many ways with respect to the camera
- Scale variation: Visual classes often exhibit variation in their size (size in the real world, not only in terms of their extent in the image)
- Deformation: Many objects of interest are not rigid bodies and can be deformed in extreme ways.
- Occlusion: The objects of interest can be occluded. Sometimes only a small portion of an object (as little as few pixels) could be visible.
- Illumination conditions: The effects of illumination are drastic on the pixel level.
- Background clutter: The objects of interest may blend into their environment, making them hard to identify.
- Intra-class variation: The classes of interest can often be relatively broad, such as chair. There are many different types of these objects, each with their own appearance.